A Diversion Program in a Highly Reliable Organization

In hospitals everywhere, we need to have a contingency plan for our key employees. It is so easy to fall into the rhythm of having our knowledgeable Buyer, IT Pharmacist, or Diversion Specialist (to name a few), with no backup in case something were to happen to our star. That “something” could be an extended absence. For example, your diversion specialist is an avid skier, and on their latest ski trip, they suffer an accident which results in them being out for 6-8 weeks. Or perhaps they are simply on vacation and during that time there is a diversion concern at the facility that requires expertise. More and more hospitals seem to be merging which may mean the number of staff needed to monitor more than doubles. Your star needs help. Perhaps your star has decided it is time to move on and has given you their resignation notice. What is your contingency plan? A highly reliable organization, an organization with predictable and repeatable systems that support consistent operations while catching and correcting potentially catastrophic errors before they happen, must anticipate the needs of the organization and have a contingency plan.

If your diversion monitoring staff roster is not deep, outsourcing may be the answer. If your facility has established a relationship with a consultant who has done a gap assessment and performed an audit of your diversion program, maintain the relationship as they may be a great contingency plan. If you have yet to establish a relationship or perform an audit, this would be a great time to do that. It has the benefit of an outside perspective as well as establishing a relationship which can be called upon later if needed. If you are looking for someone to establish that relationship with, consider Rxpert Solutions. We are trained in drug diversion mitigation and monitoring and passionate about making hospitals safer for patients and healthcare professionals.

Expect the best prepare for the worst – Zig Ziegler

Picture of Terri Vidals
Terri Vidals

Terri has been a pharmacist for over 30 years and is a drug diversion mitigation and monitoring subject matter expert. Her years of experience in various roles within hospital pharmacy have given her real-world insight into risk, compliance, and regulatory requirements, as well as best practices for medication and patient safety.

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