A Story of Recovery and Hope with Dawn Reese

Today’s interview is with a woman recovering from addiction. So many who have a history of addiction are hesitant to speak up. Why tell people about their history when they can just move forward without subjecting themselves to being looked at differently? There were enough sideways glances and stigma when they were struggling with the addiction. Their recovery is a chance to rid themselves of that stigma if less people know their past. From my experience, recovering addicts who are willing to share their story do it so others can benefit from their struggles and experiences. They often hope to encourage others who are struggling to reach out for help and to send a message that recovery is possible. That is Dawn’s motivation and I hope her story will benefit someone out there who needs to hear her message.

Picture of Terri Vidals
Terri Vidals

Terri has been a pharmacist for over 30 years and is a drug diversion mitigation and monitoring subject matter expert. Her years of experience in various roles within hospital pharmacy have given her real-world insight into risk, compliance, and regulatory requirements, as well as best practices for medication and patient safety.

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