The Importance of Reporting Suspected Drug Diversion to the DEA

Prescription drug abuse has become a widespread problem across the United States in recent years. This growing issue has led to increased scrutiny of healthcare facilities and providers. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) requires facilities to report controlled substance loss of a significant amount or loss due to suspected theft. While some cases may clearly point to drug diversion, healthcare professionals often account for everything they remove. This may make it difficult to know what exactly was stolen or diverted. As healthcare leaders, it is vital to understand the importance of reporting suspected diversion to the DEA, even if the healthcare professional never admits to it or everything seems accounted for.

Patient Safety and Wellbeing

First, reporting suspected drug diversion to the DEA is essential for the safety and health of patients. Healthcare professionals who divert controlled substances are risking patient safety by using these drugs for their own purposes. They may also be diluting or contaminating medications, potentially leading to the spread of infectious diseases. By reporting suspected diversion, healthcare leadership can prevent future patient harm by removing the offending individual from the workplace and ensuring they get the help they need to overcome a substance use disorder (SUD).

Secondly, failing to report suspected drug diversion can lead to legal consequences for healthcare facilities and providers. The Controlled Substances Act requires healthcare providers to report drug diversion to the DEA. Failure to do so can result in significant penalties. Facilities that fail to comply with reporting requirements can lose their registration with the DEA, receive civil penalties, or even face criminal charges. By being proactive and reporting suspected drug diversion, healthcare leaders can protect their facilities while ensuring compliance with federal regulations.

Community Safety

Thirdly, reporting suspected drug diversion helps to protect the community. When drug diversion goes unreported, healthcare professionals may obtain employment at another facility. This then puts those new patients at risk, as well as continuing to place themselves at risk. When suspected drug diversion is reported, the DEA or licensing agency will have a record of what is happening within the state and can respond to patterns or concerns.

Addiction Treatment for Struggling Healthcare Professionals

Fourthly, reporting suspected drug diversion can help with treatment and recovery. The healthcare system is not prepared to handle addiction effectively, and many healthcare professionals who suffer from a SUD hesitate to seek help due to concerns about licensing and employment. Reporting suspected diversion allows healthcare professionals to receive the support and resources needed to overcome addiction. This includes access to treatment programs and counseling services. By reporting suspected drug diversion, healthcare leaders can provide a compassionate and understanding approach to addiction treatment while protecting the safety of patients and employees.


In conclusion, reporting suspected drug diversion to the DEA is of great importance for healthcare leaders. It ensures patient safety, legal compliance, protection of healthcare workers, and can aid in addiction treatment and recovery. While it can be challenging to report suspected drug diversion when everything appears accounted for, it is still essential to do so. By being proactive and taking action when suspicions arise, healthcare leadership can play a vital role in preventing prescription drug abuse and saving lives. Ultimately, the safety and well-being of patients and employees should always be the top priority. Reporting suspected drug diversion is an essential step in achieving this goal.

Want to learn more? Check out our related podcast episode about DEA investigations.

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Picture of Terri Vidals
Terri Vidals

Terri has been a pharmacist for over 30 years and is a drug diversion mitigation and monitoring subject matter expert. Her years of experience in various roles within hospital pharmacy have given her real-world insight into risk, compliance, and regulatory requirements, as well as best practices for medication and patient safety.

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